Quinn, Michael, (Clonoe). We the family of the late Michael (Mickey) Quinn, would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to everyone who attended the Wake and Funeral Mass, to those who sent mass and sympathy cards, messages of condolences, flowers or brought refreshments.
Our heartfelt thanks to Canon Benny Fee, Father John McCallion and Sister Geraldine McAleer for the beautiful Funeral Service and also for the spiritual comfort Canon Benny Fee brought to Mickey on his First Friday visits.
Grateful thanks to Peter Devlin, of Dorman Funeral Directors, for the professional and dignified manner in which the Funeral arrangements were carried out; to Margaret Ann Conlon and Patrick Slevin for the lovely music, to the sacristan Margaret Taggart and to the grave diggers who prepared Mickey’s final resting place. To Kelly Anne Corr and her staff for providing the food after the Funeral, and to Clonoe Community Centre for the use of their facilities.
We extend our sincere thanks to Dr Hardy and his Team in the Renal Department; to the Home Dialysis Team and the A&E staff at Daisy Hill Hospital; to the Respiratory Team Armagh and the Home Care Team Dungannon; to the Doctors and Nurses of the Medical Centre, Barrack Street Coalisland and the staff of Donnelly McAleer Pharmacy.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we hope that this acknowledgment will be accepted as a token of our sincere appreciation.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.
Mickey’s Months Mind Mass will be celebrated on Tuesday February 14, at 7.30 p.m. in St Patrick’s Church, Clonoe.
– Drummurrer Lane, Clonoe – Coalisland
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