/ 1 year agoNo fixed penalties for black mould landlords despite new Council powers
An absence of fixed penalties for black mould landlords has been highlighted by a DUP representative as new council tenancy powers...
/ 1 year agoMan arrested in connection with police officer’s murder in Newry released unconditionally
A man who was arrested in connection with the murder of a police officer in Newry more than 30 years ago...
/ 1 year agoThe plight of the blue badge holder in Armagh
It wasn’t quite handbags at dawn but it was enough to prompt one Armagh I reader to reach out to us....
/ 1 year agoLorry driver (36) dies following collision with bus in Newry
A lorry driver has died following a collision with a bus in Newry earlier today (Thursday). The man has been named...
/ 1 year agoArmagh man who seriously assaulted another before stealing car avoids jail
An Armagh man who seriously assaulted another and stole a car has been spared prison. Stephen James Fox, with an address...
/ 1 year agoWatch: Bereavement charity’s new ‘Just Be Cafes’ to offer space for those on healing journey
A Co. Armagh bereavement charity is set to launch a new initiative aimed at providing safe spaces for those who have...
/ 1 year agoOne of worst roads in Co Armagh all set for a welcome makeover!
Arguably one of the worst surfaces in Co Armagh; the Dundalk Road in and out of Newtownhamilton is getting a makeover....
/ 1 year agoFears over fly-tipping rise as dumping costs in Newry district increase
A councillor has raised fears of a spike in fly-tipping as commercial costs for household recycling centres increase across the district....
/ 1 year agoPSNI pays out ‘staggering’ £1.2m in legal fees over failed holiday pay challenge
Figures obtained under Freedom of Information requests have shown the PSNI have, to date, spent more than £1.12million on legal fees...
/ 1 year agoSt Ronan’s College becomes first school to appoint specialist GAA Participation Officer
St Ronan’s College, Lurgan has become the first post-primary school in Armagh to appoint a specialist GAA Participation Officer as part...
/ 1 year agoEducation Minister invited to Markethill High to see ‘very real’ need for new school
The new Education Minister has been invited to visit Markethill High to see the “very real” need for a new school....
/ 1 year agoRathfriland Road in Newry closed following road-traffic collision
Emergency services are currently dealing with a road-traffic collision in Newry. As of this morning (Thursday), the Rathfriland Road in the...