A career in insurance wasn’t necessarily Sarah-Jayne Cromwell’s first choice growing up. Now, with 12 years in the industry under her belt, she proves that sometimes you find your niche when you least expect it.

Sarah-Jayne now works as Commercial Manager for ABL in Armagh, dealing with all aspects of the day to day, in a fast-paced and ever-changing environment. With two rambunctious boys at home and a busy work life, it comes as no surprise that she enjoys a little me time when she gets the chance!

What is your role in the company and what does a typical day entail?

I am the commercial manager for ABL in Armagh. Daily I deal with the day to day running of the office and am involved in larger commercial renewals, meeting insurers and training and developing staff.

What was your route into the company?

I came straight from university with absolutely no insurance experience and here I am almost 12 years later a fully qualified chartered insurance broker.

How long have you been involved in this type of work?

Almost 12 years

Where did you work before this?

From I was 14 years old I worked part time in a café as a waitress and bar staff. I worked in the same place throughout my studies and at the weekends whilst home from university.

What were your favourite subjects at school and why?

I loved business studies and PE. I loved to play hockey and represented Armagh ladies 3rds as player and captain until I started university.

Did you go on to university or further education and what did you study?

I went to University of Ulster in Jordanstown where I studied business studies.

Did you always have this career in mind?

I had always wanted to be a teacher or a physiotherapist, so insurance wasn’t my first career choice.

What do you enjoy about it?

For me it has to be the people I work with. Here in Armagh, we are a close-knit bunch. Another thing would be every day is different and you don’t know what type of insurance you could be dealing with from one day to the next.

What are the main skills required for it?

If you are keen to learn and not afraid to ask questions then a career in insurance could be an option.

What would your advice be to anyone thinking of it as a career?

Try it! It is like everything you don’t know until you give it a go. It is hard work and ever changing so you are constantly learning and having to keep updated with different legislation.

If you could do any job in the world, what would it be?

A holiday critic – any excuse to jump on a plane and enjoy the sunshine and see different parts of the world.

How do you relax when you’re not working?

I have two wee men who keep me busy when I am not at work but I do love a day at the spa or weekend breaks with my family.

Read more about ABL Group here

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