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ABC Council seeks views of older people

Lord Mayor Alderman Glenn Barr with David Hammerton, ABC Seniors Network Chair, Billy Stewart, ABC Age Friendly Alliance Chair & Stephanie Rock, Age Friend

Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough (ABC) Council launch new age friendly survey as it works with the Public Health Agency to create an ‘Age Friendly’ borough – where older people can live full, active, valued and healthy lives.

Targeting over 50s that live in the borough, the questionnaire seeks to find out the positives and challenges of growing older within our communities.

Using the themes from the World Health Organisation (WHO) Age Friendly Framework, the wide-ranging survey will cover topics such as housing, transport, community facilities, social participation as well as employment, outdoor spaces, health services, and more.

Commenting at the launch of the survey, Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon, Alderman Glenn Barr said: “With advancements in medical care resulting in improvements in life expectancy, people are living longer and reaching older ages. This global phenomenon can be seen right here in the borough, with those aged 65 and over projected to grow by over 65% and those aged 85 and over expected to rise by a staggering 125% in the next 20 years!

“Therefore, it could not be more important for us to ensure our borough adapts to a changing and aging population and ensure structures and processes are in place to support the health and wellbeing of our older residents.

“As a council we value all input and I would encourage residents aged 50 and over to share their views and help us make the borough a great place for all our citizens to live and grow old in.”

Responses from the survey will help shape and inform the development of the borough’s first Age Friendly Strategy and Action Plan, which will be led by the newly formed ABC Age Friendly Alliance that consists of a range of stakeholders including older people.

The Strategy and Action Plan will work to ensure all residents in the borough can live in security, enjoy good health, continue to participate fully in society, and feel valued and respected – regardless of age.

Colette Rogers, Head of Health Improvement for the Public Health Agency said: “We are very happy to support this Programme. Age Friendly areas are essential for our ageing population. They are communities where age is not a barrier to living well and where the environment, activities and services support and enable older people to live full, active, healthy lives.”

The ABC Age Friendly Survey is in line with the Executive’s Active Ageing Strategy 2016-22 and its vision of an ‘Age Friendly’ region where people can grow old, feeling valued and supported to live actively to their fullest potential, with their rights respected and their dignity protected.

Open until Tuesday 31 August 2021, you can complete the survey either online here or you can request a hard copy by contacting Stephanie Rock, Age Friendly Officer on 07825 010 630 or

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