Over £150,000 is to be invested in Armagh City centre to enhance its public realm further.
The investment of £100,000 by the Department for Communities and £54,000 by Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council will include:
– Vicars Hill, Armagh – introducing a new improved public realm area from the end of the sandstone paving on Vicars Hill to Castle Street to the junction on Abbey Street.
– The Mall, Armagh – enhance ‘The Mall’ in Armagh City Centre by painting railings and five metal arches, replace 26 seats and 25 bins and install four picnic benches.
– Planters, Armagh – purchase and install 25 Planters across the city centre.
This latest scheme will build on the public realm works that have already been completed in the City and will help make Armagh a more vibrant and welcoming place to visit, shop and relax.
Department for Communities Acting Director Damian Mulholland stated: “This investment will complement previous public realm works funded by the Department and is part of our ongoing commitment to the regeneration of towns and city centres.
“This injection of funding will help to further support the area, which in turn will assist local retailers, businesses, residents and visitors.”
Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council councillor Julie Flaherty added: “I’m delighted the council has been successful in securing this funding for Armagh City.
“The council has also committed over £50,000 to this project which will enable us to build on the excellent work already completed across the City.
“We look forward to working together in partnership with the Department for Communities to further develop and enhance Armagh’s rich built heritage making it a more vibrant and welcoming place to visit.”