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Armagh farmer convicted after cow found lying immobile in field had to be euthanised

Newry Courthouse

An Armagh farmer has been convicted of a number of animal welfare offences.

Philip Gordon, of Mullinure Park, was convicted at Newry Court on a number of offences under the Welfare of Animals Act (Northern Ireland) 201 following a report by a member of the public.

The 29-year-old was brought to court on the following: one charge of causing unnecessary suffering to an animal; and two charges of failure to take such steps as were reasonable, in all the circumstances, to ensure that the needs of an animal for which he was responsible were met to the extent required by good practice, specifically the need for a suitable environment and the need for a suitable diet.

Gordon pleaded guilty and was fined £600 plus £15 offender levy.

The case arose, following an anonymous report from a member of the public, raising concerns that an animal belonging to Gordon was lying in a field and was immobile.

A welfare inspection was carried out by DAERA staff from the local Divisional Veterinary Office.

The animal was in such poor condition that it had to be euthanised by a DAERA veterinary officer.

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