A fashion show in aid of Southern Area Hospice Services (SAHS) will be held in Armagh on Friday evening (March 23).
The event, which will begin at 7.30pm at the Charlemont Arms Hotel, will see a number of local businesses showcase their wardrobes.
Hosted by Armagh women Eithna Donaldson and Anne Law, the fashion show is the main act in a series of fundraisers for the SAHS.
The pair also are also taking part in the Camino De Santiago – The French Way, from Saturday, May 26 to Sunday, June 3.
The Camino takes in 112km of walking trails along the pilgrimage route to Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. They are planning on raising over £4,000 for Southern Area Hospice Services (SAHS), Newry.
Anne Law has been fundraising for SAHS for a number of years and this will be her 3rd trek; the other two being Costa Rica 2011 and Iceland 2015.
Working as a nurse for over 15 years she has seen many patients benefit from the work of the hospice, she continues to volunteer with the hospice, and helping out at many events.
Eithna has had a close friend pass away in the hospice so has seen first-hand what care is provided and the vital services that they have which all require funding.
For this week’s fashion show, local businesses: Lila’s fashions; Mary Curry; Oh La La are taking part alongside Captain Tortue (Caroline McCann); Louis Boyd (Rushmere); and Lady M Boutique (Lisburn).
Tickets are £12 and available in Lila’s, Mary Curry and Oh La La, Armagh and also from Anne and EIthna.
Some fantastic raffle prizes available for £1. Even if you don’t attend the event you can purchase tickets from the two ladies.
Other fundraising events include a Spinathon in the Mall Shopping Centre, Armagh on April 28, where people can come along and have a go for an hour on spin bikes (supplied by Bubba’s Project Gym, Armagh) and donations will be taken throughout the day.
If you wish to donate to Southern Area Hospice Services please use the link to Virgin giving page – https://uk.virginmoneygiving/AnneEithna
For any information on upcoming events please contact Anne on 077863528234.