An Armagh based gym has devised a new ‘Healthy Lifestyle’ challenge, with a genius new way of tracking results.
Maxx Life Gym proprietor, Anto Maxx (pictured), created the brand new method of tracking client results for his latest challenge, the Maxx90 Health Transformation Challenge.
Unlike almost all other transformation programmes that make weight loss the priority, Anto believes that health should always take priority over weight loss.
Almost everyone uses bathroom scales to measure fat loss, however, bathroom scales only measure weight loss and, according to Anto, there is a world of difference between fat loss and weight loss.
He says that although people say they want to lose weight, what they really mean, is that they want to burn body fat.
And not knowing the difference, has resulted in the majority of people, creating an unhealthy relationship with their bathroom scales, leading to constant frustration, de-motivation and often being baffled as to why the scales have stopped budging.
Anto’s new Maxx90 Challenge tracks how well a person is progressing without the use of any scales or measurement tools.
He believes that the true success of any programme, is in how a person feels about themselves, and their health.
The Maxx90 Health Transformation Challenge begins with a questionnaire; with 10 different questions about your lifestyle, where participants rate the different areas of their health and lifestyle out of 10. Energy levels, mood, fitness levels, sleep, self-confidence and more.
You then receive an average rating out of 10 for your health. Each week participants complete the same 10 questions, and comparing the differences, is where the true results are.
Anto continued: “If the scales went down, and your energy, mood and sleep also deteriorated alongside, would you be happy? And vice-versa, if the scales stayed the same, while your energy, mood, sleep and self-confidence all increased greatly, and you felt slimmer, would you be disappointed?
“We need to break away from the nemesis of weighing scales, and put health to the forefront of transformation challenges.”
Included with the Maxx90 Health Transformation Challenge, is a 56-page printed plan, written by Anto himself, to teach people all about living a healthy lifestyle, and burning fat the proper and safe way.
“It’s just about being sensible, and living a balanced lifestyle,” Anto added. “None of the advice I give is extreme. Just sensible advice that is backed by science and logic.”
The Maxx90 plan also includes a very unique style meal plan, where participants have the flexibility of choosing between a variety of different healthy breakfasts, lunches and dinners, all of which have several different versions of ingredients each, to suit all different calorie requirements.
And to make the meal plan even better, it comes with its very own restaurant style menu, that you can simply browse through anytime, decide what you would like to eat, or plan your meals in advance, then refer to the printed plan for ingredients and cooking instructions.
The next Maxx90 Health Transformation Challenge starts this Monday, Septermber 16. For full details of the challenge, check out Maxx Life Gym’s website.
A copy of it can be downloaded from their website, or pick up a printed version in the Maxx Life gym.