The Portadown Road into Armagh city has fully re-opened following a major resurfacing and widening scheme.
This 1.3 km resurfacing and widening scheme on the A3 Portadown Road, Armagh, is now substantially completed and fully open to the travelling public.
Announcing completion of the scheme, Infrastructure Minister John O’Dowd said: “This £2million scheme on the climbing lane section of the A3 Portadown Road included the widening of the existing carriageway to provide right turning facilities into Tirnascobe Road and other adjacent residential properties fronting the main A3 Portadown Road, improving safety on this section of road.
“The resurfacing works will also deliver significant improvements to both the structural integrity and surface quality of this busy A class road for many years to come.
“Delivering improvements to roads infrastructure involves the cooperation and understanding of the local community. Although the work was planned to minimise the impact on local residents and commuters, I would like to thank them for their patience during the works. I am sure they will join me now in recognising the significant improvement to the road network.”