The tranquil surroundings of Basil Sheils Bar in Tassagh, Co. Armagh were the backdrop for the official launch of Sibling Grief Club website, a new endeavour by sisters Edel, Maeveen and Cathy McNabb on Thursday night.
The sisters were joined by a number of family and friends to celebrate this bittersweet occasion.
Having suddenly and tragically lost their sister Triona due to misdiagnosis, aged just 34, in 2017, Edel, Cathy and Maeveen were catapulted into the unknown world of adult sibling bereavement.
Speaking at the event, Maeveen said: “The purpose of Sibling Grief Club is to connect bereaved adult siblings with the sole intention of lending comfort and support to one another.
“There’s nothing like an out of order death to make you feel like an outsider, but throw a sibling death into the mix and you feel like an alien.
“The grief of adult brothers and sisters can often feel overlooked or not as important. So we developed Sibling Grief Club ourselves for adult siblings.
“We didn’t want other siblings coming into this world of grief after us only to find the same as we did – nothing.”
The website www.siblinggriefclub.com includes resources and webinars on grief and loss developed by psychotherapist Brónagh Starrs and counsellor Paul Mallon, as well as journaling prompts, a griever’s playlist and self-care tips, all of which is free of charge.

Maeveen McNabb with Adrian Logan
The website is supported by an online community on Facebook and Instagram and, after one successful meetup in June, the McNabb sisters plan more events of the same nature to unite all people who want and need an outlet for their grief.
Guest speaker for the evening, sports journalist Adrian Logan aka Logie, knows only too well how vital grief support is having lost his father PJ, brother Austin, aged 44, his beloved mother Margaret and his sister Angela passed away aged 64.
Speaking at the event, Adrian remarked: “Edel, Maeveen, Cathy, and the whole McNabb family, are truly an inspiration. By turning their own personal tragedy into affirmative action, they have, and will continue, to help and support many people here locally and indeed across the world. I wish the three women and their family every success with Sibling Grief Club.”
If you feel that you, or anyone you know could benefit from the services which Sibling Grief Club provides, please visit www.siblinggriefclub.com