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Cathedral goes contactless! Armagh Parish introduce a new form of giving

St Patrick’s Roman Catholic Cathedral in Armagh has gone contactless.

The Cathedral Parish in Armagh has introduced a new form of donating to help support the “ongoing needs and demands of the Parish”.

A new free-standing donation portal has been installed in historic building and it offers the user the opportunity to make a contactless payment.

A Parish spokesperson said it is a new and modern method of donating, and by having such a facility in place, it makes it easier for people to donate as they please.

The spokesperson added: “The Parish have worked closely with Goodbox, a company that is committed to this new method of payment, and the new technological device, which incorporates a secure and easy to use payment system, has been installed in the magnificent Cathedral.

“The Cathedral Parish has considered for some time new ways of embracing digital payments technology.

“Many people no longer carry cash today and for that reason the Parish has been looking at other ways in which people can give.

“St. Patrick’s Cathedral has many visitors on a daily basis and many people want to contribute to help support the costs associated with the running and maintenance of such a building.

“It is hoped that by introducing this form of contactless giving that the Parish can maximise donations to help support St. Patrick’s Cathedral.”

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