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Fly tipping at Armagh’s old clock factory site persists despite CCTV and multiple fines

"With a council-run recycling facility just a short drive away, I can't understand the mentality of people."

A resident of the Folly area in Armagh city has raised concerns following repeated incidents of fly tipping at the gates of the old Stewart’s Clock Factory.

The frustrated local told Armagh I that dumping has been a frequent occurrence in the Barrack Hill area for a number of years and that he feels the issue now presents a “health risk”.

Armagh I visited the site on Tuesday (January 28) where a number of black bin bags have been left strewn along the hedge row surrounding the entrance gates, with others piled beside the charity clothing banks.

Several bottles containing liquids and empty food packaging is now spilling from the bags with the resident voicing concerns about the potential for vermin to be attracted to the area as a result.

In the last year, the man – who preferred to remain anonymous – said he has witnessed “mattresses, prams, sofas, bedding and bikes” among the illegally dumped items.

“With a council-run recycling facility just a short drive away, I can’t understand the mentality of people,” added the resident.

There is council-instated signage present on-site warning that CCTV may be in operation in the area for the “prevention of environmental crime”.

The signage also prohibits dog fouling, littering and dumping warning that “enforcement action could arise from images gathered from the surveillance cameras”.

And, indeed, this strategy appears to have supported council officers in their identification of perpetrators and the issuing of fines in recent months.

A spokesperson for Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council said: “Fly-tipping is a persistent problem at this location, with nine reports ranging from several black bags to a van load of rubbish received over the past year.

“Thanks to the investigations carried out by council officers, those responsible were identified and issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice on four occasions.

“In November 2024, council erected new signage designed to discourage illegal dumping by reminding offenders of the maximum penalty for committing this offence at this site.

“Council is currently carrying out a land search to identify the owner of this piece of ground with a view to having clothing banks removed.

“Members of the public are encouraged to contact the Environmental Health Department and share any information that may help identify offenders.

“Call 0300 0300 900 or submit a report via the ABC Council app. Any information provided will remain confidential.”

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