Armagh might be the least populated city in Ireland but it once stood as one of the country’s great royal sites and, according to legend, even acted as the storied capital of Ulster.
Today, its role is very different but that doesn’t mean it lacks the potential for growth.
Although it may be small and sparsely populated, much work has gone into regenerating Armagh’s city centre in recent years, with a particular focus on improving the appearance and desirability of the main shopping areas. With a reported £5 million set aside to fund this scheme, a reputed eleven streets will be affected, meaning local businesses are about to experience a surge in new opportunities.
According to the experts, a focus on special offers and promotions is just one of the ways these enterprises could be taking advantage. So, hoping to benefit and wondering how you can make the most of your chance to be part of the regeneration effort? Then, here is what the experts suggest.
Increasing brand awareness
A significant number of local businesses could be set to benefit from the opportunities provided by the Armagh City Centre Regeneration Scheme but, in order to maximise the benefits of this, it’s important to build brand awareness, and special offers and promotions can help.
Letting people know a little more about your venture, and giving them a good reason to visit you and see the positive changes that have been made are all great ways to attract customers.
These elements can be advertised via television, billboards, local newspaper and radio shows, or even social media. The important takeaway is this: you need to give people a reason to look into your company and purchase your products.
Growing customer traffic
One of the key aims of the Armagh City Centre Regeneration Scheme is to increase foot traffic and give businesses a greater audience to draw from. However, if you really want to make the most of this opportunity, you’ll need a way to set yourself apart from the competition, and a special offer or promotion is a great way to do this.
One place we can see this in action is on directory sites like Casino Wings, whose aim is to help visitors find the right casino for them.
There are dozens of different online sites for potential players to choose from, so how do businesses within this very competitive industry set themselves apart? With bonuses and discounts, of course! Follow in their footsteps, make your business more appealing than the ones to either side of it, and you should see a real surge in foot traffic.
Increasing sales
Last but not least, special offers and promotions can help to increase your sales. The idea of the regeneration scheme is to bring more people to your door but, once they’ve stepped inside your premises, the rest is down to you. So, how exactly do you entice them to buy?
With discounts and bonus schemes for starters. When consumers feel as though they’re getting a good deal, they’re much more likely to put their hand in their pocket and, should the product they purchase impress them, they’ll almost certainly come back to your store and buy from you again.
Isn’t it time to see what special offers and promotions could help your business to achieve?