The cliché ‘my dog ate my homework’ is almost as old as time itself.
The excuse nobody ever uses but is always the running joke with school teachers.
Well, it has finally happened.
In our very own Armagh city – and the evidence is overwhelmingly in favour of this actually being true.
Saints and Scholars Integrated Primary School posted the photo (main image) of the chewed up homework book on social media.
The book was taken into the school with a note attached, which read: “Mrs Harrison, I’m really sorry, I know it may be a bit of a cliche, but our dog Matilda really did eat my homework book. We can replace the book but our dog is now counting out her treats in multiples of three and five.”
And it looks like the teachers bought it.
The school posted: “It’s finally happened and I do believe it. Please don’t replace the book, treasure it forever! #childhood #memories.”