An Armagh man has been fined £650 after a “clear case of road rage” on a roundabout in the city in which he attempted to strike another road user.
The 46-year-old’s solicitor told court: “The defendant was cut off at the roundabout and had to make an emergency stop. He lives beside this roundabout and sees people regularly in the wrong lane.”
Prosecution outlined that the incident occurred at the Deansbridge roundabout on November 16, of last year.
It was heard that the defendant approached a vehicle at the roundabout. When the driver rolled their window the accused attempted to pull the door open and strike them.
The driver’s wife and daughter were also present, and they too reported to have been fearful of violence against them.
Both parties later left the area.
In January of this year the defendant was spoken to about the incident and denied all allegations.
Defence solicitor Colleen McCreesh stated: “The defendant was cut off at the roundabout and had to make an emergency stop.
“He is deeply apologetic, he is ashamed and appalled at his behaviour.”
District Judge Eamonn King commented that this was a “clear case of road rage” and ordered he pay a fine of £650, along with the offender’s levy of £15.