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Mayor of London thanks borough for “heartfelt support” in aftermath of terror attacks

Sadiq Khan vows: 'We will never let these cowards win'

The Mayor of London has thanked everyone in the borough for their “comforting” messages of support after the terror attacks in March and June this year.

Sadiq Khan has now written to the ABC Council after receiving books of condolences which had been signed by local people wishing to express their sympathy and support in the aftermath of the two attacks.

In March, four people died and more than 50 were injured when a car ploughed into pedestrians at Westminster. The driver fled the scene and ran, stabbing and killing an unarmed police officer before he was shot dead by another officer.

A similar attack in June saw a van again begin driven into pedestrians on London Bridge, before its three occupants left the vehicle and began stabbing people in pubs and restaurants. The three were shot dead by police, but eight innocent civilians were killed and 48 more injured in that horrific attack.

Books of condolence were opened in the aftermath of the attacks and placed at various locations across the Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough.

These were later sent to Mayor of London Sadiq Khan.

He has now written to acknowledge the support of local people.

In his person letter to council, Mr Khan writes: “Thank-you so much for sending me the books of condolence from Armagh City, Banbridge & Craigavon Borough Council following the terror attacks in Parliament Square on 22 March and at London Bridge on 3 June.

“I am touched and truly grateful for the messages.

“There are simply no words to describe the grief and anger our city has felt following these sickening attacks by twisted and cowardly terrorists on innocent Londoners and visitors to our city, but it has been comforting to receive such heartfelt support from across the UK.

“We will never let these cowards win and we will never be cowed by terrorism.”

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