Police have hit out at “a gang of kids” for setting alight and destroying a house currently under construction.
The house was torched on Friday night and ABC district police are asking parents to question their kids.
The photo, police say, shows what some kids were up to on Friday night.
“A brand new house, still under construction, set alight by a gang of kids,” they posted.
“We say this time and time again. Make sure you know where they are.
“Talk to them so they don’t getting into situations that can land them in trouble or causing damage like this.
“We know not every young person going out is there causing trouble but every parent has a responsibility to know what their kids are doing.
“Arson is a serious criminal offence and one which has the potential to do permanent damage or even kill.
“What would have happened if someone was to have been trapped inside?”
If you have any information, please contact PSNI on 101.