The ever-popular Livingstone Family Tractor Run – which has raised over £460,000 for local charities since it first started – will be taking place again this festive season – but in virtual format!
Given the Covid-19 pandemic, the organisers have taken the decision to ‘move online’ for the big event.
And they are hopeful of the support and generosity which they have had the good fortune to enjoy in recent years.
Last year saw a record number of tractors – 730 in all – taking part, leaving the Armagh Business Park at Hamiltonsbawn Road and travelling through Markethill, Hamiltonsbawn and Richhill before returning to the city.
This allowed over £146,000 to be split between three causes – NI Air Ambulance; The Southern Area Hospice; and The NI Children’s Hospice – with proceeds being handed over in February (pictured below) before lockdown.
The organisers hqve confirmed that their ninth outing will be a ‘Virtual Run’, scheduled for Saturday, January 2.
A spokesperson said: “The committee this year are aware of the impact that the current Covid-19 pandemic has had on local communities and on the income charities normally receive.
“They decided they wanted to continue to help and support the three charities – NI Air Ambulance, Southern Area Hospice and NI Children’s Hospice – to ensure their critical work in local communities can continue.
“Paramount to the annual tractor run is well-being of all participants and attendees, with thousands in attendance on the day. During this pandemic therefore the decision was taken run a virtual tractor run to ensure the continued safety of our community during Covid.
“2020 is a year we will never forget, but we want to show that our community can pull together and make sure we get those really important donations to the three charities – whilst also promoting our farming community.
“This year the Livingstone Christmas Tractor Run committee are inviting you all to donate your normal suggested donation fee on this platform and then email christmastractorrun@hotmail.com a photo or video of your tractor to the team.
“Your photo or video can then be used on the Facebook event page and for this year participant video – a year that we will never forget.
“We want to thank you for continuing to support the Livingstone Christmas Tractor Run- now a big tradition for our community that we don’t want to lose.”
Anyone wishing to be part of the virtual run should register and donate here.