A leading truck sales company is seeking to expand a planned development near Moy.
NR Trucks Ltd – which specialises in lorries and tractors – has planning permission in place previously for a development on lands adjacent and north west of 6 Aghinlig Road.
But now it hopes to approve ‘modifications’ to that approval to allow for an increase in floor area, height and ‘revised siting’.
An application has been submitted for the retention and completion of a shed for storage, distribution, repair and maintenance of company lorries with ancillary office accommodation and trade counter.
And according to papers submitted with the proposal, it would see an additional 20 employees on site daily.
A planning statement submitted with the application describes the location as present as a “construction site”.
It states: “Construction of the subject development has already commenced and the site is presently occupied by a portal frame structure.”
The development is located “immediately opposite” T-Met.
If approved, it would have an additional 500 sq metres of floor space – a total of 1,915 sq m – and be almost two metres taller, at 9.4 metres.
It would consist of three store rooms, parts room, ancillary workshop for the repair and maintenance of company-owned lorries, staff room, toilet/welfare facilities, staff canteen, reception, waiting area, three offices, associated trade counter for lorry parts, a board room and six ‘bay doors’ for loading and unloading lorries.
The planning statement adds: “Views of the new building will be limited due to its set-back location from both the Moy Road and Aghinlig Road where there are strong intervening tree lines, which visually screen the site from surrounding viewpoints.
“The previous planning permission on this site confirms that the characteristics of the proposed development are compatible with surrounding commercial, residential, agricultural land uses and no adverse impacts such as noise, dust or fumes will result.
“Sufficient space already exists on site to accommodate the expected increase in car parking spaces with surplus car parking provided to ensure there is no shortage in the future.”
The application will be publicly advertised this week, with a decision made in due course.