Concerned residents have hit out at dangerous drivers racing the streets of Banbridge.
However, police have urged those with complaints to make sure each incident is detailed and reported on time.
Drivers are racing, performing doughnuts and drifting, sometimes in built up areas, but police say there is little they can do after the fact.
“We’re aware that it’s a local concern and we’re determined to tackle it, however there are some issues around it that we need your help with,” said a PSNI spokesperson.
“First off, the vast majority of incidents are going unreported, or are being reported late. Often, we are only made aware of incidents from looking at the local community Facebook pages long after it’s over.
“If you witness any dangerous driving, such as drivers drifting, performing doughnuts, or racing, please call us immediately. If you believe they are driving in such a manner that life could be at risk, call 999.
“If you see anti social behaviour going on, such as excessive revving or deliberately loud music in a built up area, call 101. If we don’t know about these incidents at the time, that limits what we can do about it.
“When you do report, be sure to give us as much information as possible – the make, model and colour of the vehicle and of course the registration, any description of the driver, where they are and what direction they are heading in.
“There is vehicle nuisance legislation which can be used on persistent offenders, but we need to know about it in order to take action.”
The PSNI insist they are not targeting young drivers with a nice car.
“This is about saving lives by ensuring our roads are safer, and helping make our town a more enjoyable place for residents, often elderly or very young, who don’t deserve to be kept awake at night by someone needlessly revving,” said the police spokesperson.
“We know that the vast majority of the cars which gather in Banbridge are road legal, and kept in great condition. You may think you’re indestructible behind the wheel. You’re not. This month again young lives have been lost on our roads.”
And there was a strong word of warning for those who are
“If you are caught driving dangerously you will be dealt with harshly. Not just for everyone else’s sake, but for your own too. When you see what a car crash does to a human body as many times as we have, you see a very different perspective on what “a bit of fun” in a car really means. It’s not worth it.
“This week, meetings have taken place to look at taking this forward.”