The family of a young Banbridge schoolboy who passed away last month following the bravest of battles against leukaemia have raised a monumental £122,524 in his memory.
Adam Watson passed away in August. He was nine years old. Today would have been his 10th birthday.
The campaign, championed by Adam himself, was to raise funds for Cancer Fund for Children.
His parents Sara and David said they were “completely overwhelmed” at the total amount raised in their son’s memory.
“Yesterday we had the privilege of going along with a couple of the guys behind the walk and the Hiking For Little Heroes, Kilimanjaro Group to Daisy Lodge to present the cheque.
“This visit was different to the last time we were there, as Adam was there last time and it was very much Rory Best focused and the launch of the Miles to Mayo.
“Yesterday was very much Adam focused with Rory and his wife Jodie attending.
“We all shared lovely stories and memories of that walk last year, Adam’s support workers and the CEO from Cancer Fund for Children shared stories of the fun they had with Adam on the walk and in our home.
“The one common thing that everyone agreed on was, you only had to meet Adam Watson once and he had you hooked. You couldn’t forget him and he could chat to anyone from his friends and family to CEOs of big companies, to world class sports people, to actors from TV, he treated everyone as equal.
“The amount raised it very significant and a true reflection of how special our little boy was and the impact he continues to have on so many lives. When we look at the last three digits…5 = Adams favourite number; 24 = Adam stated the total raised had to have the number 24!
“Thank you to everyone who got behind the walk, who fundraised and those who endured the odd blister or two. Without you all this would not have been possible. We are sure Adam’s smile is beaming today as we tell the world how successful his vision of this walk was. Everything we do is totally Adam focused and always connected to him to ensure his legacy lives on. We are so proud of our son and everything he accomplished in his 9 years on earth. ‘I’m not famous, I’m just well known'”.