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Boozed-up youths making life hell for hospital patients and staff

Lurgan Neighbourhood Policing Team Officers met with security staff and concerned residents in Lurgan Hospital on Wednesday to discuss recent incidents within the hospital grounds and buildings.

Over the past few weeks and months fires have been lit, windows have been broken, stones thrown at security officers and there has been a number of burglaries of buildings.

Neighbourhood Officers say they have been dealing with young people who frequent this area, abusing alcohol and drugs and advising parents to try and keep their children away from the hospital.

Said a spokesperson: “This hospital provides a number of services to the local community and further afield and any disruption to patients and staff can have a huge impact on the care provided.

“We appeal to the general public to stop using the hospital grounds as a short cut, educate their children not to frequent the area in an effort to reduce the incidences of anti-social behaviour in the area.

“Police have already increased patrols in the area and this will continue and, with the help of residents in the area reporting in any suspicious activity, together we can make the hospital a better place for the staff and patients.”

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