Disability Sport NI recently launched a project which aims to improve the health and wellbeing of people with disabilities in Northern Ireland, through participation in sport and active recreation – and the Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon area will benefit greatly.
The ‘District Council Disability Sports Hub Project’ gave all council areas disability sports equipment packs including: twelve sports wheelchairs, one rugby wheelchair, three track chairs, five hand cycles, four tandem bikes, three trikes, three boccia sets and one sensory activity pack.
Council has now organised a session for anyone with a disability to come along and try out some of this equipment and learn how they can use it on a regular basis to help increase their activity levels.
The taster session will take place on Saturday 21st October from 10am to 1pm at Brownlow Community Hub. For more information or to book your place please contact Ryan or Clare on 028 3831 1690.

This wide variety of equipment is suitable for both adults and children with the track chairs and hand cycles being a brand new addition to the borough. These, along with the tandems and trikes, can all be hired from Craigavon Watersports Centre and will also be available from other locations throughout the borough from next Spring.
“We are absolutely delighted to welcome this sports equipment pack to benefit people within our community who have a disability,” commented Councillor Declan McAlinden, Chair of the Leisure Services Committee.
“This project is a fantastic way of helping to open up more opportunities for people with disabilities to get active. I look forward to seeing the impact that this equipment will have and that those using it will get much enjoyment out of it.”
Kevin O’Neill, Disability Sport NI’s Chief Executive said: “The establishment of a Disability Sports Hub in all eleven of our District Council areas is a real game changer for people with disabilities here.
“Disabled people are currently half as likely to participate in sport as non-disabled people and this initiative will make a huge difference in helping us get more people with disabilities active in every area of Northern Ireland.”
Fergus Devitt, Director of Active Communities at the Department for Communities said: “I am delighted that the Department is able to support the implementation of the disability sector’s ‘Active Living: No Limits’ Action Plan that seeks over the next 5 years to bring about positive change to the social, recreational and sporting life of people with disabilities.
“Our investment of £1m will increase opportunities for people with disabilities to participate in sporting activities, to provide equipment for disability sports hubs in each Council area and also to enable access to several watersports venues and activities.
“It is important that we maintain this impressive start to our collective implementation of the Action Plan, to ensure the continued positive experiences of involvement and inclusion and to promote not only recreational enjoyment of sporting activity but potentially the development of our paralympic champions for the future.”
Funded by the Department for Communities through Sport NI, this £500,000 project is part of the Active Living: No Limits 2021 Action Plan.