Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council staff who worked throughout the pandemic can expect to find out soon how Council will reward their efforts.
While the reward is unlikely to translate into extra time off over the Christmas period, a Council spokesperson confirmed Council hopes to be in a position to let staff know what their reward will be in the coming weeks.
Speaking to the Local Democracy Reporting Service, a council spokesperson said: “Council is in the final stages of agreeing a recognition award for staff that worked throughout the pandemic.
“It is anticipated that this award will be communicated to staff in the coming weeks.”
The issue of recognition for council staff who had worked throughout lockdown was raised by Councillor Lavelle McIlwrath at Council’s monthly meeting in July.
At the time, Councillor McIlwrath said he was disappointed a paper on the issue was not before members for decision.
He was informed Council was “exploring and researching” how it could recognise staff’s efforts and when a paper on the subject was ready, it would be brought to the COVID-19 working group.
Councillor McIlwrath proposed a paper on the issue was brought back as soon as possible.
“At the end of the day there is no point clapping these folk if you are not prepared to recognise their efforts,” said Councillor McIlwrath in July.
His proposal was seconded by his party colleague Alderman Stephen Moutray who said he wanted to see it “done in a speedy fashion”.