May 8, 2025, will mark the 80th Anniversary of VE Day, and ABC councillors have approved a budget of £40,000, to allow up to 80 community groups to join in the celebrations, with grants of £500 towards the cost of running their own commemorative events.
Victory in Europe (VE) Day is the date when German forces surrendered to the allied nations.
The anniversary will be celebrated across Europe, and there is also a national programme of activity planned throughout the UK.
Five years ago, the 75th anniversary of VE Day could not be commemorated due to Covid restrictions, which will give this latest anniversary added momentum.
A working group met on February 6 to consider a potential programme of activity.
There was research undertaken by officers into the detail of what is being planned throughout the UK by way of celebratory events.
In keeping with what is being planned nation-wide, the VE Day flag will be raised at Civic Headquarters in Craigavon at 9am on May 8.
A beacon will be lit at Craigavon Lakes at 9.30pm, with the possibility to host a reception in Craigavon Civic Centre, at a maximum cost of £1,500.
An ecclesiastical event is also planned at St. Patrick’s Church of Ireland Cathedral in Armagh on May 7.
The cost of this element will be up to £2,500 to provide logistical and coordination support.
A museum exhibition is on the cards as well, and it is hoped that schools will get involved through educational projects, as well as local communities.
The matter was discussed at a recent Economic Development & Regeneration Committee meeting, with Councillor Lavelle McIlwrath (DUP, Portadown DEA) commenting: “As we deliver a programme across the borough [it should be] as widespread as possible.
“I know Armagh is very much mentioned, and there’s also the lighting of the beacon here in Craigavon, but there’s obviously a wider element to the whole borough as well, places like Dromore, Rathfriland and Banbridge.
“We would [need to have] some kind of support in kind in those areas as well.
“For our FAP (Financial Assistance Policy) team, if it’s them that’s going to be rolling this out, we need a figure to work to.
“I’m proposing a figure capped at £40,000, and that would be eligibility for 80 groups capped at £500.
“I think that’s a reasonable figure. I hope members across the chamber will support it.”
Cllr McIlwrath’s proposal was seconded by Alderman Stephen Moutray (DUP, Lurgan DEA).