Car parking enforcement will resume at Craigavon and Daisy Hill from next week.
The Southern Trust says the move is to improve emergency access around acute hospital sites.
Enforcement had been suspended since March 2020 due to the pandemic. In response to feedback from blue badge holders, it was reintroduced in March 2021 to protect disabled spaces.
With both hospital sites getting increasingly busier, the Trust has taken the decision to now fully reinstate parking enforcement to protect blue light routes, drop off zones and other areas with safety concerns, to assist traffic flow.
This will come into operation from Monday.
Anita Carroll, Assistant Director of Functional Support Services for the Southern Trust, said: “Everyone will be well aware of just how busy our hospitals are at present.
“With more services resuming and our Emergency Department attendances continually increasing, we have huge traffic pressures. It is absolutely vital that we can manage traffic flow and ensure that emergency and other essential vehicles get access.
“We hope that the reintroduction of enforcement will deter anyone from parking inappropriately and provide a safer, more accessible environment for everyone using our hospitals.
“We ask for the support of staff, patients and visitors in helping to make the best use of car parking around our sites.”
Parking Charge Notices will be issued by APCOA Services Parking Management, contracted by the Trust to manage enforcement.
The Parking Charge Notice penalty is £70, with a reduction to £40 if paid within 14 days. If not paid within 28 days, additional charges will be applied. Any driver who feels they have unfairly received a penalty can appeal directly APCOA. Clamping or towing may also be applied.
Whilst the majority of parking is free of charge on both sites, the Trust says it would encourage staff to use the car parks further away from the main buildings, leaving those spaces closer to the hospitals for patients.