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Man who assaulted two officers with a plank of wood and threw a plant pot at another jailed

police prison

A Craigavon man who assaulted two officers with a plank of wood and threw a plant pot at another has been sentenced to six months in prison.

Court heard the 25-year-old had, according to his barrister, “changed his lifestyle” until he consumed too much alcohol on St Patrick’s Day.

Shea Reynolds, of Limefield Rise, pleaded guilty to three counts of assault on police, disorderly behaviour and possession of a weapon with intent at the city’s Magistrates’ on Friday.

It was heard that on March 18, police received reports of a male approaching vehicles on the Garvaghy Road, Portadown.

As officers approached, Reynolds was seen arguing with a member of the public, however, after spotting police the defendant fled in the direction of Churchill Park.

Following a search of the area, Reynolds was located in the rear garden of a nearby house.

The defendant refused to engage with police despite numerous attempts being made.

Reynolds then used a plank of wood to hit officers and threw a plant pot from the garden towards them.

Police were forced to use CS spray and the defendant was restrained using handcuffs and limb restraints.

During interview at Lurgan Custody Suite, Reynolds made no comment.

Prosecution stated one officer had been hit to the head with the plank of wood and complained of a sore head along with grazes to the knee.

A second was struck on the shoulder and a third had the plant pot smash beside his head.

Defence barrister David McKeown said: “Your worship last dealt with him on May 11, 2018; he listened in terms of getting off alcohol and getting a job during a deferral which resulted in a suspended sentence.

“He did all that until March, St Patrick’s day this year, he thought he could handle a drink but he couldn’t and consumed far too much.”

He continued: “This was a plea at the earliest opportunity, since the last sentence he had changed his lifestyle partly due to your worship’s deferral and I did have hope for him.”

District Judge Bernie Kelly stated: “Mr Reynolds, this was a very serious incident, you armed yourself with a weapon and used it on the head of an officer, regardless of the injury.

“You did this in the face of two suspended sentences, despite displaying the ability to turn your life around but you still have not got the message that you cannot drink.”

Reynolds was sentenced to four months in prison for these offences with a further two being invoked from suspended sentences.

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