A nurse on day shift at Craigavon Hospital had all four wheels stolen from her vehicle in the car park on Sunday afternoon.
The lady’s Volkswagen Golf was parked to the rear of the hospital on Sunday morning.
But it wasn’t until 3pm, later that day, she was made aware – by police who visited her ward – of the theft of all four wheels from her car.
The car had been left balancing precariously on some bricks left by the brazen thieves.
Enda McCallan, posted these images (main photo) online.
He said: “A nurse on day shift was informed on their ward by Craigavon police that their car parked in the hospital grounds had its four wheels stolen!
“How many passers by had walked past and ignored the fact that a bright red car had its wheels stolen and was rocking on two large stones under its door sills, not until 3pm did another member of staff notify the police.
“Hospital staff work long hard hours caring for the sick, the last thing they expect is the local police to come to their ward to bring them to the car park to show them what thieves have done to their vehicle.”
He added: “Please share to make staff, patients, visitors, the general public aware that even parking your car at your safe place of work now isn’t safe.
“For those staff members who treat us all in hospital when we are ill or can’t help ourselves, needing their transport from work after a long hard shift to see what has been done to their vehicle to take them home.
“Please please share and maybe with a little luck no-one else who spend long hard hours caring for others won’t have to go through a similar fate as this one.”
A spokesperson for the Southern Health Trust, speaking to Armagh I, said: “We are very concerned about this incident on the Craigavon Area Hospital site.
“For this to happen to one of our nurses whilst they were at work providing care to ill patients, is shocking. We are working with the PSNI on this matter and reviewing security arrangements on the site.”
If you know who was responsible, phone police on 101, or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. The incident number is 897 of 16/09/18.