Police in county Armagh have been publicly forced to warn people not to be phoning them simply because WhatsApp is down.
The PSNI Craigavon have taken the unusual step of reminding people that because a phone messenger app is not working, it’s NOT reason to phone in a police emergency – or even a 101 call.
Simply put, it’s not a police matter!
A police spokesperson took the steps to post this unbelievable reminder for those who think it’s okay to phone police in this kind of situation.
“If you haven’t checked Facebook or Twitter yet to see if it’s true, that Whatsapp really is down…well that’s a good thing. You’ve clearly better things to be doing in life,” the post began.
“Probably as good a time as any to remind folk that the 999 system is ONLY for emergencies. Even the 101 number shouldn’t be abused.
“We only have a finite number of call handlers and if they’re taking calls about their TV or their phone not working (both calls we’ve had recently!) or indeed about Whatsapp being down, then genuine calls are going to be held up.
“Yes, Whatsapp is down. No, it’s not a police matter.”
In emergency or for serious ongoing incidents – 999. For all other enquiries or to report an incident after the fact – 101.
The post added: “Correct use of those systems can save lives. Now, sit back and wait for that influx of group chat messages when it finally gets sorted.”