PSNI in county Armagh were set to swoop in on an underage party following a tip-off last night.
Officers from across the district were ready and waiting but alas, the tip proved to be somewhat awry.
The PSNI landed to find that it was a legitimate underage disco – with a dry bar and no drunk kids.
Posting on social media, a PSNI spokesperson said: “I suppose it’s only fair we laugh at ourselves once in a while, so here goes.
“Last night we were tipped off that coach loads of underage drinkers were headed towards a well known establishment.
“We were told the carnage would be off the scale, and that door staff were knowingly letting them in.
“It was going to be the biggest joint #OpNoomin and #OpSnapper hit of the weekend. We had crews from across the district converging to take action…
“…until we discovered it was a legit under 18’s post exam results disco. Dry bar, no drunk kids, all good! Whoops!
“Better to have one that turns out to be nothing than the alternative.
“All too often we deal with real carnage that emerges from drink and drug abuse from young teenagers.”