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Woman and young children escape injury after one of two devices explodes outside house

Police appeal for witnesses after 'reckless act'

Police checkpoint night

Detectives are appealing for witnesses after an attack on a house in the Enniskeen area of Craigavon late on Saturday night.

Detective Sergeant Foley said police received a report at 11.45pm of a “loud bang” in the area sometime between 11.20pm and 11.30pm.

Police attended and ATO were tasked to the scene when it was established that a device had detonated outside the house.

Said Detective Foley: “A female and a number of young children in the house at the time were not injured, and no damage was caused to the property.

“When ATO were on scene, a second pipe-bomb device was discovered. Both devices have been declared as viable.

“The remnants of the device that exploded and the second device have been seized by police and taken away for further forensic examination.

“Residents who were evacuated as part of a public safety operation during the alert have now been allowed to return to their homes.

“I want to thank all those who were affected by the alert for their patience as we worked to make the scene safe.

“I appreciate the disruption this caused to residents who had to leave their homes, however, keeping people safe is our priority and we will not take any chances.

“This was a reckless attack by those responsible, and we are extremely fortunate that we are not dealing with any serious injuries, or worse today.

“Anyone could have picked up these potentially deadly devices, and those behind the attack have clearly no regard for the safety of others.

“Our enquiries are at an early stage and I want to appeal to anyone who was in the area last night and saw any suspicious activity, or any suspicious vehicles in the area to get in touch with us on the non emergency number 101, quoting reference number 1611 of 16/02/19.”

Alternatively, information can also be provided to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 which is 100% anonymous and gives people the power to speak up and stop crime.”

DUP Upper Bann MLA Carla Lockhart has condemned those responsible.

She said: “It doesn’t matter what cause or reason they think they are advancing violence is not the way to do it.

“My thoughts are with the families who had to leave their home overnight especially on a Saturday night when people are relaxing after a hard week at work. Craigavon doesn’t need this and these families certainly don’t.

“I am concerned at this worrying trend of criminal activity.  These devices were viable and could very well have caused serious injury or indeed death.

“I would ask anyone with information to come forward to the PSNI via the 101 service.”

Sinn Féin Craigavon spokesperson Michael Tallon has also condemned the pipe bomb attack.

He said: “This reckless attack could have led to death or serious injury.  Those who attack family homes must be apprehended and brought before the courts.

“I would appeal for anyone with information to bring it to the PSNI.”

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