Yet another Armagh resident has raised the issue of dog fouling in their area in an effort to plead with other residents to be more responsible.
The resident of Desart Lane contacted Armagh I about the ever-increasing scourge of fouling he regards as “selfish” and “anti-social behaviour”.
The resident – who is a dog owner himself – said: “I live on a quiet, narrow part of the lane which is used by a number of dog walkers.
“For a number of months there has been an increasing problem with littering on the lane and in particular with dog fouling.
“It is obvious that some dog owners walk their dogs and do not lift the poo with the result that others, including young children who live on the lane, must navigate this.
“There is also an issue with fouling further down the lane where there are more houses and I have seen some residents having to power hose around their houses due to the extent of dog fouling.”
Speaking to the resident, Armagh I were informed that there are several bins in the vicinity, something which the resident says reinforces his belief that irresponsibility is to blame.
He added: “There is a bin at the very bottom of Cathedral Road. I don’t think necessarily it would help if there were more bins. I think the main issue is that people just couldn’t be bothered or don’t like lifting it.
“I don’t like doing it either and neither do my children, but the point is it just should be done.”
The resident also highlighted that some owners – after having taken the time to lift the excrement – leave full bags piled along the walkway.
However, he was emphatic in his praise for most dog owners in the area who are responsible with their pets’ waste.
“I also know a number of the dog owners, generally those who live in the immediate area, who walk their dogs on the lane and who I know to be very responsible and who lift their poo on all occasions,” he said.
“I am pretty sure that those who do not lift their poo would not allow their dogs, or would not want other dogs, to foul in the location of their own houses.
“I wish to highlight this increasing littering and dog fouling problem which is a form of anti-social behaviour, completely selfish and which shows a complete disrespect for others.”