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Disgust at scenic spot spoiling

An Armagh City and District councillor has revealed her disgust at the manner in which a local beauty spot is being neglected by the Council.

Sinn Féin councillor Mary Doyle said she visited the picnic area at Seaghan Dam during the recent spell of good weather only to find it unkempt and badly maintained.

‘With the summer upon us this should be a beautiful area for local people to enjoy and for visitors to avail of to see what our area has to offer.  But, I was disgusted to find that the grass had not been cut in a long time, the interpretation panel which explains the local area had long been forgotten and the signage was also broken.

“I have asked the council on a number of occasions to replace broken picnic tables, but this has never been done.

“I have serious concerns about the lack of attention the council has given to this area when other areas within the city and district seem to be maintained to an extremely high standard.”

Councillor Doyle went on to say that she had contacted the council’s Chief Executive to rectify this dreadful situation.

“I have sough assurances that this picnic area will be maintained to the highest standard in future and I will be closely monitoring this.  As a local councillor I strive to improve our local areas and I have been campaigning for years for the enhancement of the area surrounding Seaghan Dam.

“I am lobbying for funding which would provide for a continuous nature walkway around the Dam.  The funding for this project is almost in place and I hope the work will begin soon but in the meantime I will ensure that Seaghan is maintained to the highest standards.”

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