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Cause for celebrations at St Patrick’s High School Keady prize-giving night

St Patrick’s High School was a hive activity as Guests, Governors, family, friends and staff and were delighted to have the opportunity to gather together and celebrate the outstanding achievements of our pupils throughout the Academic Year.

The Guest of Honour for the evening was All Ireland winner, Armagh County Footballer and past pupil Rory Grugan. Head Boy, Tom Fox welcomed everyone, thanked the traditional group for the music and introduced Year 13 pupil Colleen Fox, who played the piano beautifully.

Mrs McKenna highlighted that 2023/24 had been an extraordinarily successful academic year and there was much to celebrate.

Mrs McKenna went on to say “we are much more than just a school. We are a Catholic community bound together by an uncompromising commitment to achieving excellence in all areas.

“We are a school at the heart of the community that is built upon people and it is our fantastic staff, supportive parents and wonderful pupils that makes St Patrick’s High School such a special place.

“We are unashamedly all ability, all inclusive, we add value by providing an outstanding quality of teaching and learning, high expectation and support at all levels. It is our delight to inspire young people to achieve.”

Mrs McKenna offered guidance stating: “When I started teaching here 24 years ago the motto ‘respect for yourself and consideration for others’ was central and we have really embraced that again and it is the framework upon which everything rests. So I would ask you …

“To try to look after each other, care for each other and make decisions based on the interests of others as much as yourselves.

“Don’t forget your roots – because when the roots are deep – there is no reason to fear wind. Meaning you will always be strong, resilient, and able to cope with whatever is thrown at you. Life isn’t easy but you are strong, and you will flourish.”

Following the distribution of Junior and Senior Prizes, guests were introduced the Guest of Honour who spoke with passion about his time as a pupil and his drive to succeed as a County Player. Rory offered words of wisdom too about the importance of resilience and being strong, especially when the path of life is not straightforward. Rory encouraged pupils to adopt a positive work ethic to ensure they create optimum opportunities.

Proceedings concluded with Head Girl, Lauren White, congratulating the pupils for their achievements, thanking everyone for their attendance and presented Rory with a token of the school’s appreciation for his presence at the Prize Giving Ceremony.

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