Keady’s famous Trap Bar will be converted into a funeral home after ABC Council agreed to approve a change of use.
The property at Kinelowen Street – which had also been known as the Talk of the Town – has been vacant for some time.
But Armagh I revealed in February that the former pub – a thriving social spot in its heyday – was up for an altogether difference use!
The application lodged with ABC Council was for “proposed internal and external alterations of the existing building and change of use of ground floor of former public house to funeral home”.
It was brought forward by Mone Funeral Directors.
And now the council has agreed that the change of use is permissible.
The area where the front bar of the property was located will now be used as a ‘Chapel of Repose’.
The rear bar and off-licence largely correspond with a planned garage and office accommodation for use by the funeral director.
According to planning officials who considered the change of use, there were no third party objections received, nor were there any concerns from DfI Roads and Environmental Health.
And in studying policies, they conclude: “While there is no defined town centre in Keady, the Area Plan policies refer to a commercial centre along a number of streets including Kinelowen Street.
“The Plan says commercial expansion should be contained to this area, however, it does not preclude non-commercial uses and therefore the proposal is considered to be acceptable.”
Officers also looked at the potential “impact upon residential amenity”, but considered there would be a “level of activity associated with pedestrians and vehicles using the premises, but that level of activity will be predominately limited to normal working hours”.
Their report adds: “The premises will be open for funerals and public viewings between the hours of 2pm and 5pm and 7pm and 9pm by appointment.
“In addition, given the nature of the business, it may be necessary for members of staff to be at the premises outside
these hours.
“Notwithstanding this, officers are of the opinion that the level of activity will be less than was the case under the previous use which was a pub.
“For those reasons officers are of the opinion that there will be no unacceptable adverse impact on residential amenity by way of noise or disturbance.”
The applicant has now been written to and informed of the decision, with planning approval now conferred.