Loughgall and Laurelvale Women’s Institutes were the special guests at a joint reception at the Palace in Armagh.
Loughgall WI are celebrating 75 years in operation and Lord Mayor Gareth Wilson also extended an invitation to Laurelvale WI to join with the members on the night.
He said: “The impact for good that the Women’s Institute brings to our borough is immense and in my Mayoral year it has been incredible to see just how vibrant and dedicated the Women’s Institute as an organisation is across the borough.

“The ladies meet regularly and spending time chatting with them it was very clear that they cherish this chance to meet up for fellowship and also to contribute to various great causes through fundraising initiatives.
“Both Loughgall and Laurelvale WIs have a rich history in the area and indeed Loughgall have celebrated their 75th year since forming.
“That represents a tremendous commitment and service to community life over this period and I wish both groups of ladies well as they continue to meet and contribute richly to the life of our borough.”