Work has recommenced on a housing development which lay unfinished in north Armagh for a number of years.
SDLP councillor Declan McAlinden says he is delighted that the developers are back on site at Church Brae in Derryadd, Lurgan.
“This development has been sitting unfinished for a number of years and has been a real concern and eyesore for local residents,” said councillor McAlinden.
The last four houses of the first phase will be completed within months and plans for the second stage which consist of 12 houses are well on their way.
The contractor informed the local councillor that there is a huge demand for these rural homes.
Councillor McAlinden added: “This is great news because not only will it benefit our community it will also help local business, schools and sports clubs.
“The past few years have been really tough for the construction sector but hopefully the worst is over and we will start to see real growth again in our local construction industry over the next few years, providing jobs for local businesses and tradesmen.”