A Co Armagh agricultural machinery manufacturer is planning a major extension which would bring 30 jobs to the area.
SlurryKat Engineering Ltd is currently based on the Lowtown Road in Waringstown.
It has submitted plans for an extension to an existing paint shed to Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council.
The company – which exports in the region of 140 different products to 20 countries worldwide – also hopes to construct a new shed and construction and “associated ancillary development”.
SlurryKat Engineering Ltd was founded in 1994.
According to the company website it operates an innovative slurry solutions company which offers professionals across the world with the best equipment on the market today.
It adds: “Since our company formed in 1994 we have continued to expand rapidly under the leadership of our managing director Garth Cairns.
“Garth spotted a gap in the market for a wide range of products which would boost productivity for farmers. He started to design and build his own equipment because he recognised that manufacturers needed to be more clever in their design in order to help farmers achieve the productivity levels they require.
“It didn’t take long before Garth’s designs were attracting the attention of farmers in Northern Ireland but demand quickly increased and soon Garth found his products were being exported worldwide.”
The company has won many awards over the years for its products and business acumen and prides itself of innovation and team-work.
It adds: “SlurryKat, through the hard work and dedication of all of our team, continues to build on our reputation as being the brand that delivers. We use the latest cutting edge engineering techniques and systems to ensure we continue to be at the forefront of innovation.
“We provide dribble bar systems, trailing shoe injectors, specialist tankers, layflat hoses, specialist pumps, GPS and flowmeters, hose crossing ramps, hose handling systems, dewatering systems and underground PVC pipelines.
“All equipment designed and manufactured is extensively tested at SlurryKat’s own research and development plant at our headquarters in Waringstown by a specialised team of professional agricultural contractors.”
The planning proposals currently with council will represent further growth.
It would see floorspace available grow by around a third, from close to 60,000 sq ft to almost 90,000 sq ft.
And in terms of employment, the workforce on site at the north Armagh company’s base would increase by 30 – from the existing 84 to 114.
The development is located on lands owned by SlurryKat Ltd and would represent, according to CIS, an investment in the region of £1 million.
The application is due to be advertised next week with a decision expected in the coming months.