A company which failed to install proper water connections to a new housing development in Lurgan has been ordered to pay out close to £40,000.
And Northern Ireland Water has welcomed the outcome of the successful prosecution.
Lawson Contracts Ltd had failed to complete the application process for new connections and install legitimate connections for 26 properties in the Hunters Lodge development at Annsborough Road, Lurgan.
The company was fined £7,000 and ordered to pay costs of £2,700 and £30,000 compensation in lieu of avoided connection charges at Craigavon Magistrates’ Court, a decision which additionally enables NI Water Ltd to the recovery of remedial costs should the company default and NI Water is forced to intervene.
Gary Little, Compliance Manager for NI Water, said this is a welcome result and should be seen as a strong message to developers who choose to avoid the essential connection process and install illegal connections to properties.
“Done without any permission, training or qualifications this is utterly reckless behaviour that jeopardises the health and safety of the public who rely on a safe and secure public water supply,” said Mr Little.
“Illegal connections can invalidate insurance, affect future sales and above all the heath of your family.
“I would urge all homeowners and solicitors engaged in property sales of any current or recent development to confirm with the developer that the water connection for their property has been legitimately installed through the NI Water connections process.
“Connection confirmation is a service that NIW Ltd can additionally provide as part of the conveyancing process.”