Lurgan drugs gangs are “peddling misery” in the town and calls have been made to help support school teachers and pupils who are faced with the issues on a daily basis.
Former Education Minister John O’Dowd has met with the Department of Education to, he says, discuss support for Lurgan schools who are faced with the consequences of drug abuse and the actions of drug gangs.
Mr O’Dowd said: “Schools in Lurgan and surrounding areas are dealing on a daily basis with the human misery caused by drugs and substances abuse in the community.
“While these schools go beyond the call of duty on a daily basis in support of children and families they need support from the Department and the EA.
“My discussions with the Departmental officials were positive and while they want to help it is also clear the financial pressures faced by the Department are restricting their ability to do so.
“However the the next step is for the Department and the Education Authority to reach out to the schools and see what they can do together.
“The peddlers of misery in Lurgan are causing great harm but the community will not be defeated and through a multi-agency approach we can bolster the support available to families and children.”
In January, police uncovered uncovered £16,000 worth of drugs during a search of a property in the town.
It has also been reported that notorious drugs gang ‘The Firm’ has been blamed for an outbreak of violence in the area.