A 30-year-old man has been arrested in connection with the murder of Malcolm McKeown on Monday night.
A PSNI spokesperson said: “Detectives investigating 54-year-old Malcolm McKeown in Waringstown on Monday night have arrested a 30-year-old man on suspicion of murder and he has been taken to Musgrave Serious Crime Suite.
He remains in custody being questioned by detectives.
Two searches have been completed and two are still ongoing in the Lurgan and Waringstown areas.
The elders and select vestry at Waringstown Presbyterian Church and Donaghcloney and Waringstown Parish issued a joint statement on the murder this morning.
“As local church leaders we have been both shocked and deeply saddened by the events of Monday evening,” the statement read.
“Our thoughts and prayers are with those directly affected by this horrific incident, as well as with the emergency services who have been serving our community at this time.
“We are also praying for our local community – a community so full of life and vitality.
“As local churches we will continue to seek the peace and prosperity of this place we call home, trusting always in the hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ. (Elders & Select Vestry, Waringstown Presbyterian and Donaghcloney and Waringstown Parish).”