Multi-million plans have been lodged for the development of 125 new homes and community centre on the grounds of Lurgan Rugby and Cricket Clubs.
The proposed residential development at Pollock Park will consist of a mix of detached, semi-detached, townhouses and apartments, as well as open space, equipped play area, walking track and internal road network.
the pre-application notice was lodged on March 31 by Endeavour Building Ltd, based in Gilford.
Outlines of the proposed development area encompasses the entirety of the playing fields used by both clubs.
A neighbourhood information drop is due to take place for residents within a 200-metre radius from the edge of the site in the week commencing April 26 – from Monday.
Information and feedback forms will be included. A further public notice will be published in the media, with additional information, including a details of a website address, and contact number for any interested parties to speak to a member of the development team.
Councillors and MLAs have already been informed.
The pre-application notice is the first phase in any major development of a certain size. It is a statutory requirement, which includes publicity and consultation to make communities aware of, and have an opportunity to comment on, certain types of development proposals.
Read more: Three apartment blocks complete with modern bar and off-licence planned for Lurgan town centre