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Man (51) tied up by masked burglars who steal cash and car

A 51-year-old man sustained facial injuries after being accosted by two burglars in his home last night (Sunday).

Detectives in Newry are appealing for information after a man was injured during the burglary of a house in Bernish Road.

Detective Inspector David Henderson said said it happened at around 7pm.

He explained: “The males were masked and took the man back into his house where he was tied up. The two males made off with a sum of cash and also stole a grey BMW car.

“The occupant sustained facial injuries and was left very shaken.

“This was an horrendous attack on a man in his own home. Every human being has the right to feel safe in their home and any violation of that cannot be tolerated.

“We would like to hear from anyone who observed the BMW car making off from this area or has information which may assist our investigation. We can be contacted in Newry on 101, quoting ref: 1148 200915.”

If you prefer to provide information without giving your details you can contact the independent Crimestoppers charity anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Sinn Fein councillor Liz Kimmins has urged people in the area to be vigilant.

“This was a thoroughly despicable act,” she said.

“Feeling safe in your own home is a basic human right. It’s bad enough that these thugs feel they have the right to break into people’s homes but to rob them of a sense of security that should be part and parcel of any home is an even greater crime.

“I’d urge people to be vigilant, to look out for their neighbours, particularly if they are elderly or vulnerable and to aid the PSNI however they can in catching these criminals.

“It’s safe to say we’d all sleep a little better at night knowing people like this were off the streets.”

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