Four people have been rushed to hospital following a two-vehicle road accident near Markethill this afternoon.
The accident happened on the Gosford Road near the junction with the Tandragee Road around shortly after 1pm.
A spokesman for the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service said: “Following assessment and treatment at the scene by paramedics, two patients are being transported to Daisy Hill Hospital and a further two to Craigavon Area Hospital.”
A Rapid Response Vehicle, an officer, a doctor and four A&E crews were in attendance.
The spokesperson added: “This is an ongoing incident and no further information is available at this time.” Police said traffic diversions are in place.”
The road remains closed and motorists are advised to avoid the area.
Diversions are in place through Markethill.
A police spokesperson confirmed: “Diversions are in place of the Gosford Road near Markethill due to a two-vehicle road traffic collision.”