The two cats found in a carrier bag in Newry at the weekend have been returned safely home to their loving family.
The owner contacted Armagh I today (Wednesday) to confirm the amazing news, but also to set the record straight that they weren’t responsible for abandoning the cats.
Milo and Tootsie were turned into the USPCA after they were found at the Fiveways Shopping Complex, when a member of the public noticed that an individual had left their shopping behind.
When they approached, they discovered the confused cats inside the sealed Disney-patterned shopping bag.
The relieved – but emotional – owner, who has asked to remain anonymous, says the cats had escaped her home at the weekend.
She believes that whoever found the lost cats is responsible for leaving them in the bag, but stresses that they had not been harmed when found.

The cats were turned into the USPCA after they were found at the Fiveways Shopping Complex
She said: “I’m not saying whoever left them in the bag is cruel. They might have put them there for someone else to find them… They weren’t hurt going into the USPCA.”
Thankfully, when the news broke that the cats had been found and turned in, the owner’s friends were quickly able to identify the felines, allowing her to bring them back to their rightful home.
“They’re happy, they’re healthy and they’re home,” the owner said.
“We have three kids who are attached to them. They’re safe and sound. They’re fed and they’ve been killed with kindness. We’re delighted to be reunited with them.”
She added: “Everyone seems to think the owners are behind it. I’d be devastated if anyone thought I’d mistreated them.”