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‘Lack of clarity’ on sculpture centrepiece of plans to celebrate United Irishman

Rostrevor’s Thomas Dunn, a local hedge school master and a leading member of the 1798 rebellion, will be memorialised with a sculpture artwork, workshops and walking trail in his home village

The Square Rostrevor

An £85,000 project aimed at remembering a United Irishman has been given the go-ahead but a design for its centrepiece sculpture has yet to be finalised.

Rostrevor’s Thomas Dunn, a local hedge school master and a leading member of the 1798 rebellion, will be memorialised with a sculpture artwork, workshops and walking trail in his home village.

Former Irish President Mary McAleese, a patron of the The Tom Dunn Society, is among those who have campaigned for the project for some years.

Despite the funding now agreed, a lack of clarity on a £27,000 sculpture at the centre of the plans was highlighted by Independent Crotlieve councillor, Jarleth Tinnelly.

He said: “This has been something that has been seven or eight years in the making and we are finally getting it. I would ask that we on the council see the design of the artwork before it is commissioned.

“At the moment we have no clue what the final proposal is. When the artwork is selected can we then get a look to see what it is?”

A council official responded: “There have been no designs or artist decided yet. When that happens we will bring the information back to committee.

“The artwork is to be situated at Common Space, the Square Rostrevor. The Tom Dunn project will include the development of a hedge school workshop and educational tool-kit for school with estimated cost of £11,000.

“Also, a walking trail and associated capital works and fees with an estimated cost of £47,000.”

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