A man who was stopped for speeding was found to have no licence, having never regained it after a disqualification for drink driving.
The 33-year-old’s solicitor told court: “When he was disqualified 10 years ago, he represented himself. This had been for excess alcohol and he had not understood that this was until he was retested.”
Robertas Radzevicius, of Cois Locha in Newry, had pleas of guilty entered to excess speed, no licence and no insurance at Armagh Magistrates’ Court, sitting at Newry, on Tuesday.
Prosecution outlined that in December 18, of last year, police had observed a Mercedes being driven at excess speed on the Gosford Road, Markehill.
Conditions were wet and visibility was poor. Officers detected that the car had been travelling at 78mph – 18mph in excess of the speed limit – for approximately half a mile.
Police stopped the vehicle and the driver was identified as the defendant. He handed officers a Lithuanian licence for purposes of a fixed penalty.
However, checks revealed that Radzevicius had been disqualified in 2011 for one year until tested but had never sat a test.
It was also deduced that there was no valid insurance policy in place for this defendant to drive the car in question.
Defence solicitor Bernadette Rafferty stated: “When he was disqualified 10 years ago, he represented himself. This had been for excess alcohol and he had not understood that this was until he was retested.
“He instructs that he did not drive for 12 months and then began driving again. He has paid in full his insurance and tax but this was void by the fact he did not hold a licence.”
She added: “He was aghast when this was relayed to him. It is now his intention to apply for a full licence. It is my submission that this was a genuine misunderstanding.”
District Judge Eamonn King handed Radzevicius six penalty points and ordered that he pay a fine of £300, along with the offender’s levy of £15.