A Newry man who broke a fence after drunkenly attending the wrong property has been ordered to pay a fine of £550.
The district judge commented that the 27-year-old, who also assaulted two police officers prior to arrest, “didn’t cover himself in glory on this occasion”.
Padraig Hughes, of Rathfriland Road, had pleas of guilty entered on his behalf to criminal damage, disorderly behaviour, resisting police and two counts of assault on police at the city’s Magistrates’ Court.
Prosecution outlined that on May 8, at around 1am, police received a report from an address in Newry of an intoxicated male ringing the door bell and knocking the windows of a property.
Upon arrival officers observed damage to a gate post at the address and whilst inside could hear a man shouting at the rear.
Police spotted a male leaning on the rear gate, with damage observed to a plank below him.
Officers made themselves known to the male who began to make off but was eventually taken to the ground.
The man, who was later identified as the defendant, then proceeded to punch and kick out at two officers leaving both of them with cuts to their kneecaps.
He shouted and swore loudly and this continued despite several warnings from the officers prior to his arrest with hand and limb restraints having to be applied.
Defence barrister Stephen Campbell stated: “This is a plea at the first opportunity. He is very much ashamed of his behaviour on this occasions and it would appear that alcohol was the main feature.”
The barrister explained that Hughes had been at a party in a neighbouring property earlier in the evening and had mistakenly returned to the wrong address but it was accepted he should have “held his hands up” to police.
Mr Campbell further stated that his client had held hopes of going to Canada in order to travel but that would be impeded by this conviction.
District Judge Eamonn King commented: “He certainly didn’t cover himself in glory on this occasion.”
Hughes was ordered to pay compensation of £200 and a fine of £550, along with the offender’s levy of £15.