A Newry man who used a card which he stole from a vehicle to buy “fishing equipment” has been handed a suspended sentence.
The 22-year-old’s barrister told court: “Since this period of offending in the summer he has abstained. He is very amicable and forthright. Once he consumes these drugs with the addition of some alcohol he cannot deal with it.”
Anthony McEvoy, of Flagstaff Court, pleaded guilty to theft from a vehicle and six counts of fraud by false representation at the city’s Magistrates’ on Wednesday.
Prosecution outlined that on June 23, police received a report of a theft from a vehicle on O’Neill Avenue in Newry.
The reporting person said they had parked their Volkswagen Jetta on the street at 10.30pm and had returned the next day to find that their wallet containing a bank card, a driving licence and a £10 note had been taken.
They contacted their bank to cancel their card and found that a number of transactions had been made on the card through PayPal.
Checks showed that the PayPal account used was linked to this defendant and he was subsequently arrested.
During interview, McEvoy stated that he had not taken drugs in some time but had been with a friend who had given him some “yellows” and some “blues”.
He said he could not remember committing the offence but accepted that he could have done so whilst under the influence of drugs.
The defendant told police that he did have a vague recollection of trying to open the door of a car.
Defence barrister Conor Byrne stated: “He has sought the help, he is communicating with community addictions.
“Social services were involved, his child was born two and a half weeks ago, a baby boy, and they have determined there is no risk.”
He continued: “Since this period of offending in the summer he has abstained. He is very amicable and forthright. Once he consumes these drugs with the addition of some alcohol he cannot deal with it.
“Thankfully, there was no damage. It would appear he just opened the door and the wallet was there. He then went back and ordered fishing equipment with the card.”
District Judge Eamonn King stated: “Now you are the father of a baby boy, it is time you grew up and time you took responsibility for yourself, your child and his mother.”
McEvoy was sentenced to three months in prison suspended for 12 months.