The man in the big red suit is on his way to Newry and will arrive at none other than Gina’s Santa Cottage on Sheeptown Road, Newry.
The Santa’s Grotto – which was opened in 2011 in memory of the beloved Georgina Boyd by her family – has so far raised almost a total of £60,000 for the Southern Area Hospice and last year welcomed over 2000 visitors.
The cottage will be opening its doors from Friday, December 8 until Saturday, December 23 and families of all sizes are welcome to bring the children along to meet Santa.
All bookings can be made this year at www.ginascottage.com or by calling 07926975510/ 028 3025 1333.
Please note that due to high demand booking is essential.
Cost of entry is £9 per child and £6 per adult, with children under the age of 1year being admitted for free.
The Boyd family would like to thank to all of the sponsors who have contributed to Gina’s Santa Cottage this year and they also ask anyone else who would like to support or volunteer at the cottage to contact the fundraising office on 302 51333 at their earliest convenience.
Don’t miss the magical experience of meeting Santa in Gina’s Santa Cottage this year which will help raise vital funds for The Southern Area Hospice Services.